Studies and conservation of Tricolored Blackbirds in Southern California
Project Description The work proposed herein are the first critically needed steps of a long term conservation strategy aimed at stemming the extirpation of Tricolored Blackbirds from Southern California south of the Tehachapis. Proposed is a three‐stage monitoring effort to locate sites important to Tricolored Blackbirds and census the population during the breeding season—early season
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Coastal sage scrub and grassland restoration and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve
Project Description The Orange County Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology (OCSCB) plans to restore 4.8 acres of endangered habitat in the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve of Orange County, California. As a part of the Coastal Orange County Wetlands Important Bird Area, Upper Newport Bay provides critical habitat for both water and terrestrial
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Partners In Flight Desert Bird Conservation Plan: Web-based Regional Focal Species Maps for the Mojave and Colorado Deserts
Project Description CalPIF has created a series of interactive, web-based focal species maps to compliment its bird conservation plans. These maps contain contemporary, by-species breeding status information for 83 focal species, enabling the viewer to zoom in on site, select sites to obtain current breeding information, view current and historic range maps, and obtain additional
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Use of restored riparian habitat in the Colorado River delta in the overwintering period
Project Description This project will (1) describe the wintering ecology of Neotropical migrants in riparian habitat in the Colorado River delta, Baja California and Sonora; and (2) evaluate the value of riparian restoration efforts for migrants during the nonbreeding period. PRBO is relating bird use, overwinter site persistence, and survivorship to silvicultural practices, water flow
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Bird migration patterns in the arid southwest
Project Description This project uses Doppler weather surveillance radar to document bird migration patterns in the desert southwest, including information on migrant density, migrant-habitat associations, height, and direction, as well as temporal and geographic variation in these factors. The project will also document the limitations in using weather radar data to address these questions. The
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Coastal sage scrub habitat restoration and avian monitoring
Project Description Starr Ranch (SRS) is a 4,000 acre Audubon Sanctuary in the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains in southeast Orange County, California. SRS has been working on non-chemical control of the highly noxious exotic artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus) in over 700 acres of heavily invaded habitats. Since 1999, artichoke thistle has been reduced
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The Desert Bird Conservation Plan
Project Description Migrant and resident bird populations of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts of southeastern California, southern Nevada, western Arizona, and northwest Mexico face numerous threats. As development increases across these habitats, local and federal agencies will require a comprehensive guide for managing affected bird communities of the deserts. The Desert Bird Conservation Plan (BCP)
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