About the Sonoran Joint Venture

Our mission is to conserve the unique birds and habitats of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. We bring together partners from both sides of the border to integrate the strategies, goals, and objectives of existing regional, national, and international bird conservation plans into a single, strategic effort that addresses the needs of our area.


The avifauna of the SJV region is diverse, with nearly 750 bird species breeding, wintering, and/or migrating through the area. Of these species, 15 are endemic.


The unique habitats of the SJV include high mountain forests, desert grasslands, wetlands and marshes, riparian corridors, and tropical deciduous forest, among many other types.


SJV partners, with support from our annual Awards Program, are undertaking important work to ensure the conservation of the birds, habitats, and human residents of this important region.

Where is the Sonoran Joint Venture?

The SJV includes southern Arizona, southern California, and the Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Baja California, Baja California Sur, western Chihuahua, western Durango, and northern Nayarit, as well as the Gulf of California and its islands. The boundaries were jointly determined by partners in the U.S. and Mexico.

Learn more about where we work and how you can get involved.