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Participants celebrate migratory birds at the 2019 San Quintín Bay Bird Festival (photo by Terra Peninsular A.C.)

For many, the San Quintín Bay Bird Festival provides the first approach to knowledge, the first contact to the conservation work done by Terra Peninsular, and an opportunity to live a comprehensive, collaborative, and memorable community experience.

A stunning Costa’s Hummingbird is one of the many species you can see at the San Diego Bird Festival (photo by Ed Hale).

Celebrate the diverse birds and habitats of San Diego County at the San Diego Bird Festival taking place February 26-March 1, 2020.


With strong legs and large feet, rails are superbly adapted to their secretive, marshy habitat. Little did we know that these birds are also capable of migratory feats and using desert habitat, changing the game plan for species recovery efforts.

Audubon Arizona staff and interns ground-truth emergent marsh vegetation in order to train the model.

With funding support from the SJV Awards Program, Audubon Arizona is leading the way to make including rail habitat a priority in conservation and development planning in the Phoenix area.

Rail exploring the marsh at San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge (photo by Joanna Gilkeson/USFWS).

Ongoing recovery efforts for Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail include protecting and restoring salt marsh habitat and a captive breeding program, but coordination of research and conservation projects is needed across their range to address knowledge gaps and enhance effectiveness of management actions.

Development at Estero Punta Banda

Invasive species, feral dogs, the surrounding urban and agricultural growth, and climate change threaten the coastal wetland of Punta Banda and the Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail. We need a protection formula that allows Ensenada to care for its landscape, because the rail’s health depends on the health of the ecosystem.

American Oystercatcher

We are pleased to announce that the following projects were awarded funds for the 2019 cycle of the SJV Awards Program.

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Dr. JF Therrien installing a tracking unit on a Turkey Vulture (photo courtesy of Dara Heward).

Soar into the world of Turkey Vultures, the most widely distributed and abundant of all obligate scavenging birds of prey, as researchers at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary track birds tagged in Arizona across their impressive range.

Bendire's Thrasher hops along the vegetation in Portal, AZ.

Bendire’s Thrasher Pathways Project

Occurring patchily and rarely, the secretive habits and cryptic plumage of the desert dwelling Bendire’s Thrasher make it difficult to detect. Facing steep population declines and a lack of knowledge about its life history, researchers are working together to learn more about their migratory pathways to aid conservation efforts.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo in upland habitat at Sierra La Madera, Municipality of Huásabas, Sonora (photo courtesy of Gilberto Díaz).

While well studied in the U.S., abundance and distribution data for Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Mexico are lacking. Of particular significance for further study are cuckoo populations in Sonora, whose conservation and management could potentially contribute to the recovery of populations in adjacent Arizona.