Recent News

Feathers in Flight

Feathers in Flight

The Bird Genoscape Project was featured in a stunning short documentary, Feathers in Flight, about the importance of understanding the full annual cycle of migratory birds. Check it out!

Border BioBlitz

The 2021 Border BioBlitz is a community science effort to record as many species as possible along the U.S.-Mexico border. Learn how to participate!

agave angustifolia seedlings

Congratulations to our partners at Borderlands Restoration Network for winning the $100,000 Connectivity Challenge prize for their Bacanora for Bats: Binational Conservation and Sustainable Agave Spirit project!

Least Bell’s Vireo nest in a planted elderberry at the Hollenbeck Canyon Wildlife Area (photo courtesy of Kevin Clark, San Diego Natural History Museum).

With hard work from River Partners, restoration sites in southern California are seeing the fruits of their labor with the return of Least Bell’s Vireo to the habitat.

The Trust will conserve nearly 2,000 acres of the Red Wing Ranch in the Sulphur Springs Valley (photo courtesy of AZLWT).

Arizona Land and Water Trust takes a collaborative approach to conservation of southern AZ’s western landscapes. Check out some of their recent wins, safeguarding working landscapes and securing habitat for numerous species of birds and other wildlife.


The reserve is the first natural protected area in Mexico to adopt the Pacific Americas Shorebird Conservation Strategy, and to incorporate shorebirds as one of the main conservation objectives in the new edition of its Management Program.

A female PUMA pokes her head out of a nesting cavity at Greasewood Park in Tucson (photo by Richard Fray).

Purple Martins, a Desert Apparition

The Tucson Audubon Society and their team of community science volunteers are leading the way to learn more about the secretive natural history of desert nesting Purple Martins in southeast Arizona.

Spring Seeker survey along the San Pedro river (photo courtesy of Sky Island Alliance).

Springs across the Sky Islands provide remarkable contributions to the wildlife, ecosystems, and human communities of the region, but are at risk from numerous threats. Sky Island Alliance has launched the Spring Seeker program to document spring locations and track their health.

Un Gorrión de Corona Blanca avistado en plantas de cachanilla, al costado del Río Colorado en la Presa Morelos, Mexicali, Baja California (foto cortesía de Yuliana Dimas/PNO).

The Urban Birds Program is a citizen science effort that helps gather information about birds in the Colorado River Delta region, provides environmental education opportunities, and promotes community involvement in restoration and conservation projects.

Brown Booby in Flight off Isla San Pedro Martir, Emily Clark.

We are pleased to announce that the following projects were awarded funds for the 2020 cycle of the SJV Awards Program.