Recent News

Each month CLIMAS scientists discuss the causes and consequences of climate changes and what they mean for Arizona and New Mexico. February’s podcast focuses on snowpack conditions in the West (which continue to be low in many regions), streamflow and precipitation forecasts, and the recent “blizzard” and its relation to climate change.

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    When: June 4-8, 2013 Dónde: Estes Park, Colorado Contact:

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Southwest Climate Podcast

The Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS) just released the first Southwest Climate Podcast, the first in a regular series. Each month CLIMAS scientists will discuss the causes and consequences of climate change and what they mean for Arizona and New Mexico. You can listen and subscribe to this new climate podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud.

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A new study (partially funded by the SJV) has been published by SJV partner Janet Ruth and colleagues in The Condor. They used radar and satellite land-cover data to determine the habitats with which birds are associated during migration stopover. Bird densities differed significantly by habitat type at all sites in at least one season.

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Since 2007 SJV partner Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory has been leading a binational effort to inventory and monitor wintering grassland bird populations in the most important grasslands in the Chihuahuan Desert. This project has produced, for the first time, rigorous information on the distribution, density, and habitat use of nearly 30 grassland species throughout most

Social media and the SJV

Did you know that the Sonoran Joint Venture is active on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest? If you aren’t already following us, please take a moment to join! Take part in discussion about conservation issues, share opportunities and other important news, and just stay connected with the broader conservation community. Our Facebook page recently surpassed

When: 26-28 August 2013 Where: Snowbird, Utah What: Conference participants will identify a few hundred specific conservation actions within 10 avifaunal hemispherical linkages necessary to increase populations of priority migrants throughout their annual cycles. Contact: Terry Rich for more information.

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NAWMP Action Plan released

In 1986 Canada, Mexico, and the United States adopted the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP, or Plan), aimed at conserving continental waterfowl populations and habitat. In the intervening years, NAWMP partners have conserved and restored 15.7 million acres (63,000 square kilometers) of wetlands, grasslands and other key habitats for ducks, geese and swans shared

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The American Ornithologists’ Union recently separated Sage Sparrow into two species: Bell’s Sparrow (Artemisiospiza belli) and Sagebrush Sparrow (Artemisiospiza nevadensis).

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The Sonoran Joint Venture is pleased to announce the request for proposals for the 2013 funding cycle of the SJV Awards Program. The objective of the SJV Awards Program is to support the investigation and conservation of birds and their habitats within SJV boundaries by providing funds through a competitive program. Interested in Submitting a