Recent News

Since 1996, the Arizona Game and Fish Department has been implementing wetlands conservation workshops in Mexico.

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The American Oystercatcher is a large and charismatic shorebird that lives on sandy beaches, islands, and coastal wetlands of the temperate and subtropical zones of the Western Hemisphere.

The 2014 Statewide Tricolored Blackbird Survey will take place on April 18-20, 2014. The triennial statewide survey is the primary means used to monitor California’s tricolored blackbird population. It was originally developed by Ted Beedy and the late William Hamilton in the 1990s and has helped to gauge the trend in the population. For example, the

Paton’s Birder’s Haven, southeast Arizona’s mecca for thousands of birders worldwide, is now Tucson Audubon’s Paton Center for Hummingbirds.

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Colorado River Pulse Flow

A large pulse of water is planned to be released into the Colorado River delta in Mexico.

ReMM bird checklist published

Reserva Monte Mojino is a 14,000 acre private conservation reserve dedicated to protecting a large area of tropical deciduous forest and pine-oak forest in the Río Cuchujaqui watershed of southern Sonora, Mexico.

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The American Ornithologists’ Union recently separated Sage Sparrow into two species: Bell’s Sparrow (Artemisiospiza belli) and Sagebrush Sparrow (Artemisiospiza nevadensis).

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A new center hosted by the University of Arizona’s Institute of the Environment will link science with the needs of decision makers to offer innovative and practical management options

Join the Tucson Young Birders Club, the SJV, and Tucson Audubon Society at Biosphere 2 for a special Christmas Bird Count for Kids (and families!) We’ll go on an easy bird walk and learn to identify birds, use binoculars and field guides, and collect data about birds of the area! Binoculars and field guides provided. All skill levels welcome! When

  The North American Grasslands Alliance: A Framework for Change document lays a strong foundation to bring about the deep changes that are required for a continentally integrated planning and management approach to achieve lasting sustainability of the North American grasslands. It contains foundational principles, objectives and priorities to sustain working landscapes, conserve biodiversity, and

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