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Birds Beyond Borders

A traveling teal brings biologists from Colorado State University, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Nayarit, Mexico together and proves the importance of working across borders to conserve birds and their habitats.

Young people in Arizona are getting turned on to birding and bird conservation, thanks to a Heritage Fund Grant from the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the great work of Ironwood Tree Experience, Tucson Audubon, and the SJV.

SJV Board Chairman Geoff Geupel of Point Blue Conservation Science, board member Francisco Abarca of the Arizona Game and Fish Department, as well as SJV partner Mike Lynes of Audubon California, recently shared success stories from the SJV and other Migratory Bird Joint Ventures with members of congress and natural resource agencies on a week-long trip to Washington, D.C.

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A 1973 article in American Birding Association’s American Birds about the urgent need for information about aridland bird habitats in the West reminds us that our work to monitor and conserve these habitats is more important than ever.

A new storymap highlights bird conservation success stories from the SJV and other Migratory Bird Joint Ventures around North America.

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The Sonoran Joint Venture Awards Program is supporting work to provide Yellow-billed Cuckoo survey training to Mexican biologists to build capacity for increasing knowledge of cuckoo habitat use and distribution in Mexico.

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Former Sonoran Joint Venture Coordinator Robert Mesta combines his personal and professional passions as the coordinator of Liberty Wildlife’s Non-Eagle Feather Repository, helping to conserve birds and preserve Native American traditions.

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First-time Christmas Bird Count participant Debbie Slobe shares her experience tagging along with expert birders at the longest-running CBC in Mexico in San Blas, Nayarit

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At its winter meeting, the SJV Management Board hosted partners such as Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas, Pronatura Noroeste, and Intermountain Bird Observatory to share progress on bird conservation in the SJV region.

Did you know Long-billed Curlews are snowbirds? Researchers from Intermountain Bird Observatory found that birds breeding in the Intermountain West are wintering in the Mexicali and Imperial valleys of the Sonoran Joint Venture. IBO Research Director Dr. Jay Carlisle shares some thoughts on collaboration for conserving this declining species.