
Brown Booby in Flight off Isla San Pedro Martir, Emily Clark.

We are pleased to announce that the following projects were awarded funds for the 2020 cycle of the SJV Awards Program.

A captive male Masked Bobwhite Quail stands tall in the sunshine at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Arizona (photo courtesy of Paula O’Briant).

Masked Bobwhite: Hope for the Future

Jennie Duberstein and Lacrecia Johnson describe the Masked Bobwhite Quail Recovery Program’s efforts in Arizona and Sonora in the October 2020 Conservation & Community Issue of American Birding Association’s Birding magazine.

Bendire's Thrasher in plain view

Knowledge about thrashers in northwest Mexico is almost completely unknown. The Great Basin Bird Observatory received an SJV grant to begin working in partnership with researchers and local institutions in Mexico to study them.

Terra Penninsular receives PIF Stewardship Award

Partners in Flight recognizes exceptional contributions to the field of landbird conservation through an annual awards program. We are elated to share that the 2019 recipient of the Group Stewardship Award is SJV partner Terra Peninsular.

Flock of oystercatchers roosting in Costa Azul, Bahía Santa María (photo by Guillermo Fernández).

The coast of Sinaloa provides critical habitat for the American Oystercatcher. Conservation efforts will require a shared vision and coordinated work between CONANP, community groups, and academics to plan and carry out monitoring and management actions.

Golden Eagle monitoring (© Jesus García, photo courtesy of Pronatura Noroeste).

We are thrilled to announce that long-time SJV partner, Pronatura Noroeste, was honored as 2019 organizational recipient of the Gary T. Myers Award.

View looking towards the Parque la Colorado, Alamos, Mexico

The Voluntary Conservation Areas program is a powerful tool that allows landowners to protect habitat, expanding the reach of land conservation efforts in Mexico.

Save the Date

The Science Working Group will meet virtually on October 5-6, 2020, with each day’s activities running for 3-4 hours.

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Mexico Federal Highway 2 runs through El Valle (Photo by Mirna Manteca).

Highways, Laws, and Birds

Did you know that birds are frequent victims of collisions with motor vehicles? Wildlands Network is a leader in the field of road ecology, which aims to understand and mitigate wildlife-vehicle collisions.

A view of the Northern Jaguar Reserve taken from El Huijalo, a NMBCA project site (photo by Miguel Gomez).

The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act celebrates its 20th Anniversary this summer! Are you working on Neotropical bird conservation in the Sonoran Joint Venture region? Consider applying for a grant.