
The American Ornithologists’ Union recently separated Sage Sparrow into two species: Bell’s Sparrow (Artemisiospiza belli) and Sagebrush Sparrow (Artemisiospiza nevadensis).

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The Sonoran Joint Venture is pleased to announce the request for proposals for the 2013 funding cycle of the SJV Awards Program. The objective of the SJV Awards Program is to support the investigation and conservation of birds and their habitats within SJV boundaries by providing funds through a competitive program. Interested in Submitting a

The Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (RMBO) has released the first-ever conservation plan for grassland bird species that winter in the Chihuahuan Desert. Grassland birds have declined more steeply than any other group of North American birds. The Chihuahuan Desert Grassland Bird Conservation Plan was developed with support from the Rio Grande Joint Venture and American

The WAFWA Annual Conference Winter Meeting will be held from January 3-6, 2013, at J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort in Tucson, Arizona. View the schedule of events, register, and learn more at the meeting website.  

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National Adaptation Forum

The Inaugural National Adaptation Forum: Action Today for a Better Tomorrow, will be held April 2-4 at the Denver Marriott City Center, Denver CO. The National Adaptation Forum is the first of its kind national convening on climate change adaptation presenting state-of-the-art and science adaptation practice. It combines professional development training, individual presentation, peer networking, and

This report identifies best practices based on innovations and lessons learned from the years since SWAPs were developed. The best practices may be used voluntarily by state fish and wildlife agencies that aspire to improve conservation work and create greater consistency across SWAPs, thereby making them more relevant to partners and large landscape-level efforts. Download

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The 2013 Colorado River Terrestrial and Riparian Group (CRTR) Meeting will be held in Laughlin, Nevada  from January 29-31, 2013. The CRTR meeting is a meeting of anyone who works on or near the Lower Colorado River Watershed conducting environmental or ecological studies, research, or restoration of terrestrial habitats. The meeting is open to all

The SJV Technical Committee will meet on December 5-6, 2012 in Tucson, Arizona. Agenda topics include desert birds monitoring update and discussion, update on Mexico Breeding Bird Survey coordination, work on the SJV Conservation Measures Partnership strategic planning effort, and updates from Tech Committee members. For more information, contact Carol Beardmore, SJV Science Coordinator. [tip_box_icon]Download

Website Deadline: 1 October 2012 Description: Arizona voters created the Heritage Fund in 1990, designating up to $10 million a year from lottery ticket sales for the conservation and protection of the state’s wildlife and natural areas. The Arizona Game and Fish Department spends its Heritage Fund dollars to recover threatened and endangered species, to

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In 2006, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) leadership endorsed Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) as the conservation approach the agency would use to achieve its mission. SHC uses an adaptive management framework to focus on a subset of shared conservation targets, set measurable biological objectives for them, and identify the information, decisions, delivery, and