
At its winter meeting, the SJV Management Board hosted partners such as Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas, Pronatura Noroeste, and Intermountain Bird Observatory to share progress on bird conservation in the SJV region.

Did you know Long-billed Curlews are snowbirds? Researchers from Intermountain Bird Observatory found that birds breeding in the Intermountain West are wintering in the Mexicali and Imperial valleys of the Sonoran Joint Venture. IBO Research Director Dr. Jay Carlisle shares some thoughts on collaboration for conserving this declining species.

In September 2016, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) held its World Conservation Congress in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Sonoran Joint Venture was invited to participate in a symposium at this year’s congress focusing on the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) as a model for international conservation success.

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Did you know that the Sonoran Joint Venture includes California’s Channel Islands, as well as all of the Pacific islands off the coast of Baja California and Baja California Sur? The SJV was thrilled to attend the California Islands Symposium, which took place in early October in Ventura, California.

Ten years ago, the Sonoran Joint Venture received a Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) grant to fund riparian restoration and research at a private ranch in Sonora, Mexico. Recently, SJV Science Coordinator Carol Beardmore had the opportunity to visit one of the project sites and tag along with researchers running camera traps at Rancho El Aribabi in northern Sonora.

The U.S. North American Bird Conservation Initiative (U.S. NABCI) website recently got a new look!

The Sonoran Joint Venture is pleased to announce finalists for our 2016 Awards Program.

University students from three cities in Sonora, Mexico, are getting hooked on birding, wildlife, and habitat restoration, thanks to Sky Island Alliance, with funding support from the Sonoran Joint Venture.

A recent study of wading birds in Bahía Kino in Western Sonora, Mexico, may prove critical to future efforts to conserve birds and their habitats in this unique and vital area.

Continued conservation action and investment is needed to help prevent the extinction and endangerment of dozens of landbird species in the U.S. and Canada, according to a new plan by Partners In Flight.

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