
Ashy Storm-Petrel chick found during nest searches in the Todos Santos archipelago (photo © GECI/J.A. Soriano).

Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas is leading monitoring and conservation efforts for this priority seabird in Mexico.

Five-week-old pelican chicks in the nest (photo by Jim Howard).

After 50 years of recovery, California Brown Pelicans are nesting at historically high levels in the California Channel Islands. The next steps will be to research the dynamics between the Channel Islands population and the Gulf of California breeding population, which is not experiencing the same success.

Adult Craveri’s Murrelet in the ocean with its chick (photo by Abram Fleishman).

Off the coast of Sonora, Mexico, researchers are monitoring Craveri’s Murrelet, a small and charismatic seabird to learn more about how the species is persevering in an ever-changing and unforgiving world.

Ashy Storm-Petrel in nesting location on Santa Cruz Island (photo by David Pereksta).

Partners are working together to protect the rare Ashy Storm-Petrel from the impacts of predation and climate change in Channel Islands National Park.

two shorebirds probe the water

After almost 3 decades, surveyors across the U.S. are revisiting wetland sites in 11 western states to get updated data about shorebird populations and the distribution of habitats and food resources across this critical network of wetlands.

canyon with green trees

By capturing a snapshot of cuckoo occupancy across the entire range for the first time, our ongoing analyses will fill critical gaps in knowledge for the species and inform conservation and recovery plans.

Desert habitat with Joshua Trees

The dedicated members of the Desert Thrasher Working Group are still hard at work conducting range-wide U.S. surveys, expanding research into Mexico, and tracking movements of these elusive and declining desert birds.

A mixed flock of shorebirds in Guerrero Negro – Ojo de Liebre wetland complex (photo by Julian Garcia Walther).

Our new coastal Motus network has allowed us to track birds tagged along the western hemisphere and to start filling knowledge gaps on several species of conservation concern.

people count vegetation in the field

The Collaborative Conservation and Adaptation Strategy Toolbox (CCAST) is a peer-to-peer knowledge-sharing platform that helps land managers tackle tough conservation challenges.

female bird blending into background

Borderlands Restoration Network was awarded a $977,000 grant to manage restoration projects within the Fort Huachuca Sentinel Landscape. The Sonoran Joint Venture was actively involved in the development of the application and will continue to provide support and expertise in the implementation.