Arizona Species & Habitat Accounts

Tools for Land Stewards

Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use resource that will help you consider birds when making land stewardship decisions. We designed these accounts for agency biologists, land stewards, and others who deal with everyday decisions that affect birds and their habitats, but who may or may not be bird experts. Each account includes information pertinent to those making land stewardship decisions. It also summarizes key conservation details as well as recommended management activities to support birds. Species Accounts include both priority species for conservation, as well as birds that are good indicators of habitat health.

We hope these accounts help guide your work and decision-making processes. If you have questions or want to discuss management options, please contact SJV Science Coordinator, Adam Hannuksela.

How To Use The Accounts

The front page of each Species Account provides a snapshot of the species’ conservation status, key habitat characteristics, and basic natural history information. We developed a quick reference key to help you interpret this information.

» View the Species Account Quick Reference Key

The front page of each Habitat Account provides a snapshot of the habitat's key characteristics, cover and ownership breakdown, most important conservation concerns and vulnerability, as well as representative bird species. 

The second page of each Species Account is a map that shows predicted distribution in Arizona. The rest of the account describes threats and provides clear and concise lists of recommended activities for addressing these threats. At the end of each account is a comprehensive list of Literature Cited so that you can find more detailed information if desired. In the future, we plan to add to this list of species.

The second page of each Habitat Account is a map displaying the distribution of that habitat in Arizona, a list of the Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) included, as well as Habitat Codes covered. The rest of the account provides general information, a threats assessment, and clear and concise lists of recommended activities for addressing these threats. At the end of each account is a comprehensive list of Literature Cited so that you can find more detailed information if desired.

» Table View: Sort the table by species name, primary habitat, or taxonomic order.

Table View of Accounts

Sort the table by species name, primary habitat, or taxonomic order by clicking on the appropriate table header column. Click on a species or habitat name to open a PDF of the account in a separate window. You can also download all accounts as a ZIP file.

Primary Habitat
595 Band-tailed Pigeon Mixed Conifer Forest
150 Dusky Grouse Mixed Conifer Forest
1223 Olive-sided Flycatcher Mixed Conifer Forest
965 Red-naped Sapsucker Mixed Conifer Forest
1961 Yellow-eyed Junco Mixed Conifer Forest
817 Costa's Hummingbird Sonoran Desertscrub
958 Gila Woodpecker Sonoran Desertscrub
993 Gilded Flicker Sonoran Desertscrub
1643 LeConte's Thrasher Sonoran Desertscrub
1922 Sage Thrasher Cold-Temperate Desertscrub
1633 Sagebrush Sparrow Cold-Temperate Desertscrub
356 Ferruginous Hawk High-Elevation Grassland
1906 Botteri's Sparrow Semi-desert Grassland
2024 Eastern Meadowlark Semi-desert Grassland
1928 Grasshopper Sparrow Semi-desert Grassland
1902 Rufous-winged Sparrow Semi-desert Grassland
115 Scaled Quail Semi-desert Grassland
350 Swainson's Hawk Semi-desert Grassland
1271 Brown-crested Flycatcher Lowland Riparian Woodland
690 Elf Owl Lowland Riparian Woodland
1702 Lucy's Warbler Lowland Riparian Woodland
1941 Song Sparrow Lowland Riparian Woodland
643 Yellow-billed Cuckoo (coming soon) Lowland Riparian Woodland
976 Arizona Woodpecker Madrean Pine-Oak Woodland
129 Montezuma Quail Madrean Pine-Oak Woodland
671 Whiskered Screech-Owl Madrean Pine-Oak Woodland
796 American Dipper Montane Riparian
334 Common Black Hawk Montane Riparian
895 Elegant Trogon Montane Riparian
1771 Red-faced Warbler Montane Riparian
1440 Violet-green Swallow Montane Riparian
665 Flammulated Owl Pine Forest
330 Northern Goshawk Pine Forest
1244 Gray Flycatcher Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
371 Black Rail Wetlands
263 Least Bittern Wetlands
1491 Marsh Wren Wetlands
375 Virginia Rail Wetlands

Made possible by:

These accounts were inspired by Great Basin Bird Observatory’s (GBBO) species and habitat accounts for Nevada; we thank GBBO for their assistance in working with the Sonoran Joint Venture and the Arizona Game and Fish Department to create a version for Arizona. We are also grateful to all of the biologists who volunteered to review drafts and contribute expertise, as well as to the photographers who allowed us to use their images.